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9 Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms & What You Should Do About It

By December 16, 2021March 6th, 2025No Comments

Have you recently noticed a slight change in your body, from losing sleep to gaining weight, and you don’t like that? Have you heard people talking about hormonal imbalance and started asking yourself if that’s the case for you? Yes, your body hormones might be to blame. Check out if the changes in your body might be one of these hormonal imbalance symptoms.

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Be Cautious If You Have These Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms

What Is Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones are chemical messengers released by the endocrine glands that circulate throughout the body. Hormones control the activities of the tissues and organs by regulating the communication between them. Hormones are involved in many critical biological functions, including metabolism, reproduction, heart rate, sleep, growth, mood, and temperature.

Hormonal imbalances occur when there is a change in the amount of hormone in the bloodstream. Because of the hormone’s essential function in the body, even minor hormonal imbalances can have critical consequences.


Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Women

Both men and women can have imbalances in their hormones. However, this problem might be more prevalent among women since they can suffer hormone changes due to many factors, such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Here are six signs of hormonal imbalance in women.


Skin Darkening

So, you’ve suddenly noticed a sudden darkening of your skin. Even though you take good care of your skin, use a lot of supplements, and try to get some good sleep, you are still experiencing changes in pigmentation. Your hormones might be the culprit—skin darkening results in brown areas on visible skin.

Changes in the level of melanocyte-stimulating hormones, a rise in estrogen levels, or a hormonal change due to pregnancy might all cause skin darkening. Extended use of birth control can also increase estrogen levels in the body, resulting in dark spots on the skin.


Hair Problems

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If you notice excessive hair growth and don’t know the reason, your hormones might be at abnormal levels. Women with excessive body hair might grow thick and dark hair on the face, chest, thigh, and lower abdomen.

Apart from excessive hair growth, hair loss or hair thinning can be due to hormonal imbalances. Estrogen, testosterone, insulin, and thyroid hormones are some of the hormones that can cause this.


Weight Gain

Have you been on a healthy diet and exercising regularly but still gaining weight? If you’re exhausting yourself in the gym, cutting down on your food intake, and counting every calorie – but it doesn’t help you maintain the body shape you used to have, you might be suffering from a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen, cortisol, thyroid, and aldosterone are among the hormones that affect weight in women.


Heavy or Irregular Periods

An absence of painful periods for a long time might be something women would like to have. But trust me, you don’t want that to happen to you.

Regular periods are an indicator of a healthy body. Unless you’re expecting a child, breastfeeding, postmenopausal, or taking medicine that stops your period, you should have a regular menstrual cycle, which is 28 days on average. Otherwise, you might have an imbalance in your hormonal level. Various hormones can cause heavy or irregular periods. Estrogen and progesterone are among these hormones.


Excessive Sweating

Have you been waking up in the middle of the night sweating? Or have you been sweating throughout the day, even when the room temperature is cool? No matter what you do, you’re still sweating as if you’ve just had a sauna session. This can be a symptom of hormonal imbalance. An increased estrogen level and a decreased progesterone level might be the reason.



One of the most common reasons for female infertility is hormonal imbalance. In women, follicle-stimulating hormone, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, increases naturally during menopause. However, follicle-stimulating hormone levels that are too high might make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.


Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Men

Apart from some of the typical indicators of hormonal imbalance that occur in men and women, such as insomnia, belly fat, excessive sweating, hair loss, or fatigue, other symptoms are specific to males. Let’s take a closer look at these three symptoms.


Breast Enlargement

Testosterone, the male sex hormone, is responsible for men’s masculine traits and look. On the other hand, your testosterone levels decrease if you have a male hormone imbalance. Besides, the estrogen hormone can promote breast enlargement in males. This symptom may go unnoticed at first since it develops slowly. Also, keep in mind that even if you decide to exercise, it still won’t help you reduce your chest size.


Erectile Dysfunction

When your testosterone levels aren’t functioning correctly, it can cause other hormones such as the thyroid to react negatively. Abnormal levels of these hormones can cause erectile dysfunction. Prolactin, a hormone that makes breast milk in women, can also affect men when testosterone levels decline, resulting in erectile dysfunction.


Low Libido

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Usually, testosterone and luteinizing hormones work together to keep the reproductive system healthy. However, when testosterone levels drop, sexual health suffers as a result. In addition to erectile dysfunction, low libido might indicate a male hormonal imbalance. Sperm production can also be impaired, resulting in infertility if not addressed.

RELATED: The Role of Senescent Cells and Hormone Therapy


What You Should Do About Hormonal Imbalance

How you tackle the problems due to hormonal imbalance varies from what kind of symptoms you have. However, the best thing you want to do for your situation is to consult an expert and do hormone testing to see what advice you can have.

Consult a medical practitioner if you are experiencing heavy, painful, or irregular periods. They might prescribe treatment to help shrink the fibroids, which are non-cancerous growths developing in or around the womb.

Suppose you’ve gained weight without changing your diet or exercising. In that case, you should see a specialist to rule out illnesses like thyroid disease or ovarian cysts. You can also apply a similar solution to skin problems by consulting an expert to diagnose and treat the underlying problem.

If you’ve been experiencing infertility, you should get a hormonal imbalance test. After that, consult a specialist to eliminate any underlying causes of your infertility. Similarly, if you are suffering from low libido, seek advice from a professional. Treatment can help you increase your libido while improving your mood and energy levels.

Hormonal imbalances might be the cause of a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Check whether you have any of the symptoms listed above and make sure they never affect your life.


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