It’s no secret that our sex drives change as we get older. For some people, this can be a difficult adjustment. You may feel like you’ve lost a part of your identity or that your relationship is suffering. But it’s important to understand that you’re not helpless against the scourge of time. Thanks to modern medical science, we can effectively reverse the biological processes contributing to low libido. We offer results for sexual enhancement at The Villages Wellness & Longevity Hub to help you reclaim your youthful sexual vitality.
Hormone imbalance: the root cause of libidinal issues
A hormone imbalance can wreak havoc on your body and sex drive. In fact, hormone imbalances are the root cause of libidinal issues in both men and women. In men, low testosterone levels can lead to a loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty achieving orgasm. In women, imbalances of estrogen and progesterone can cause a loss of libido, vaginal dryness, and difficulty achieving orgasm.
Yunique Medical offers personalized sexual enhancement treatments to address the root cause of your libidinal problems. Instead of simply addressing the symptoms, we identify and address the hormonal imbalances and deficiencies at the heart of your problem. Our medical providers offer hormone therapy in the form of bioidentical pellets to supplement your body’s natural hormone levels, helping your reclaim your youthful vitality and sexual prowess.
The link between low testosterone and low libido
Testosterone is the key male sex hormone responsible for sex drive, bone density, and sperm production. Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. Your testosterone level gradually declines by about 1% a year after age 30 or 40, leading to low libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced testicle size, and infertility issues.
A lack of sexual desire can be frustrating for both a man and his partner. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and even depression. If you are experiencing low libido, we can provide personalized testosterone therapy in The Villages to restore your youthful testosterone levels, helping you reclaim your sexual vitality.
The link between menopause and low libido
For many women, the loss of interest in sex is one of the most distressing symptoms of menopause, impacting not just their sex lives but their relationships and overall sense of well-being. Menopause leads to a reduction in female sex hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which can directly contribute to a low sex drive and vaginal dryness.
One of the most important things to understand is that low libido is not inevitable. Just because you’re going through menopause doesn’t mean you have to accept a decreased sex drive. We can offer an effective menopause treatment to restore estrogen and progesterone levels, thus helping you reclaim your feminine sexuality.
Testosterone Therapy FAQs
What Is Testosterone Therapy?
Low testosterone levels in the body can happen for various reasons. That said, when a man has low levels, testosterone therapy is a treatment that seeks to boost those testosterone levels in a safe and effective way.
To put it simply, testosterone is a hormone that is essential for the development of masculine needs as well as reproductive function. If a man has low testosterone levels, this can produce a number of symptoms, including weariness, diminished sex desire or libido, and decreased muscular mass.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Testosterone Therapy?
An ideal candidate for testosterone therapy is a male who has low testosterone levels and is exhibiting symptoms including weariness, lack of sex desire, and loss of muscle mass. That said, we always suggest speaking with a medical expert before getting testosterone therapy to ensure that you are the right candidate.
What Are the Benefits of Testosterone Therapy?
The advantages of testosterone therapy include improving general quality of life, lowering the risk of osteoporosis, increasing muscle mass, improving sexual performance, boosting mood and cognitive function, reducing the chance of developing medical conditions, and so on. That said, it can benefit each patient in many different ways.
Why choose Yunique Medical?
Yunique Medical’s Wellness & Longevity Hub is committed to helping you improve and optimize your sexual vitality. Great sex is an essential component of a healthy and well-balanced life, and the loss of libido can be particularly frustrating. But thanks to advanced bioidentical hormone therapies, such as our testosterone therapy in The Villages, we can address the underlying imbalances responsible for your problems. If you’re prepared to optimize your sexual health and wellness, contact us today.